Cistus has been historically used for a number of applications, in the form of tea, poultice, inhaled or ingested. Among the range of reported illnesses for which the seeds, leaves or petals of the rockrose have been used, are: diabetes, uric acid, diarrhea, colds, flu, and others. Read more about it HERE.
Our Cistus Ladanifer herbs are an absolute novelty. We know of no other producers that offer what we have. Hand harvested in the unspoiled southwestern Algarve, these Cistus herbs are of high quality and free of any preservatives or additives. All microbiological parameters have been tested and comply with the EU legislation. The Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons have also been tested in the lab and are below the mandatory limits for food stuff. In sum, you are buying a high quality product from the producer and supporting our local economy